Termites, Ants, Cockroaches, Rodents, Snakes and Pest Control Services
Termites, ants, cockroaches, rats, snakes and other pests extermination services It is a type of termite control that does not repel termites, causing termites to not know about the hidden dangers in the soil. By eradicating termite nests by transferring substances from termites exposed to the solution to other termites. by way of eating or touching each other Certified by the Food and Drug Administration


Does not irritate eyes and skin

Environmentally safe

Certified by Food and Drug Administration
Termites, ants, cockroaches, rats, snakes and pests Going home is a common problem in our homes. which if left Don’t rush to eradicate De Hygenic can help this problem go away as well. Termite, ant, cockroach, rodent, snake and pest control service, number 1 in the country. Our unique formula works both deadly and touchingly dead. accreditation by Food and Drug Administration

We can’t see termites until termites eat the house. and severely damaged whether in the house establishments or other places because termites live in dark, humid places and are often covered. therefore making it difficult to detect And often find termites when it’s too late.
Termites have a habit of eating wood from the inside. therefore quite difficult But there are some signs. Helps you to notice that your home has termites.
Ants are incredibly intelligent creatures. even if it’s harmless But they can be a nuisance in your home or business premises. with the complex society and unity of ants enabling them to survive and thrive in difficult environments Here are some facts about this wonderful little pest.
Cockroaches are one of the most disturbing and difficult problems to solve. Because they can quickly adapt and avoid danger, the extermination of cockroaches should be planned and carried out by a professional. to get the best results

Prevention and elimination of pipe rats is important. Because rats are carriers of many diseases, especially leptospirosis. In addition, rats also carry other pests. Into our area as well, such as fleas, ticks and mites.
Rats are very hardy and patient creatures. It enters your home or business. destroy appliances cause contamination and spreading germs
Signs indicating that a snake is in your area
Molting – Snakes moult about 6 times a year.
Serpentine Marks – Snake slither marks can be seen in dirty or sandy areas. Especially the open space is quiet and quiet.
Some places where snakes may be hiding in your area
Quiet open areas, meadows or bushes.
Gardens with ponds, wood, rocks or rubble
overgrown garden not getting cut
However, when you see a snake We recommend calling the fire department or wildlife department for help immediately.

Termites, Ants, Cockroaches, Rodents, Snakes and Pest Control Services
There are 2 ways to get rid of termites:
1.Termite control spray system into pipes under the building at every point
2.Ground floor drilling system to compress solution into the ground
1.Compress the solution into the termite control pipe under the building at every point. The amount of the substance depends on the size of the house.
2.Compress the liquid around the building. Areas of shrubs and non-standing trees, standing trees to eliminate termites in the soil.
3.Spray on the corridor of termites along the frame edge, lotus edge, sink, drain, toilet and sink.
4.Drilling the sewer poles and fake poles to inject the solution into the poles and fill the holes with colors close to the actual color according to the customer’s wishes.
1.Drill a hole on the ground floor, about 16 mm., in all corners of the room to compress the solution into the soil. After that, the hole will be filled with a color close to the actual color.
2.Compress the solution into the soil around the building. Bush area, not standing, not supporting
3.Spray chemicals around the path of termites along the edge of the frame, the cornice, the sink, the drain, the toilet and the sink.
4.Drilling the sewer poles and fake poles to inject the solution into the poles and fill the holes with colors close to the actual color according to the customer’s wishes.
It is a termite exterminator that is safe for the environment. Does not irritate eyes and skin and no disturbing pungent odor Certified by the Food and Drug Administration
1.Store food or kitchen utensils equipment used to cook food completely
2.document storage tool book Other appliances that cannot withstand chemicals
3.Store clothes or other items that may be contaminated with chemicals.
4.If there is a fish pond or fish basin, cover should be covered with plastic.
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