Mr. Pakin Sudprasert, Vice President of De Hygienique Thailand, said ” De Hygienique Brand has a good understanding of the world’s best high-tech innovation, imported from Germany. Continuous the business for more than 12 years. Involving deeply eliminating dust mites and viruses with Thailand’s best organic cleaner solution. This Anti-Virus Disinfection machine, with Organic Cleaning Solution is safety and has no effect on human, animals, and the environment.

“Currently Covid-19 pandemic in Thailand makes many customers interesting in the high safety service. Our Anti-Virus Disinfection machine is using fogging technology, does not spread the viruses. Because it is different from a normal water pressure machine, this Anti-Virus Disinfection machine is suitable in this current situation. Organic oil from natural plants. Besides, this fogging technology can eliminate many viruses, for example, SARS, H1N1, and the most important, Covid-19. This machine can eliminate, control, and prevent the spread of the virus. areas with a high spreading level of Covid-19 such as China and South Korea.

De Hygienique brand has been guaranteed the results by Potema® Lab in Germany. The brand’s organic cleaning solution is De Hygienique has been certificated from Potema® Lab in Germany. This Organic solution is the one and only in Thailand. The Brand proudly present and guaranteed every process with the true safe and toxin-free solution that can coat and protect you for 2-3 months
This Anti-Virus Disinfection machine can eliminate viruses and effectively protect the surfaces. Many customers sees the important of health care and safety of life. De hygienique brand Therefore, has gained trust and good response from various customer groups, such as cinemas, hospitals, restaurants, leading office buildings. Including residential and condominiums, etc.
Contact us through online platform, LINE :dh-thailand IG : @dhthailand and www.dh-thailand.com Operate daily from 10.00am to 07.00pm